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Vinnytsia entrepreneurs come to the European market via Poland
Wed, 30 March 2016, 16:34

Increasing cooperation with the EU under the FTA, entrepreneurs from Vinnytsya region prefer partners from Poland, informs This was told the head of the department of foreign economic relations and translate the Vinnitsa Chamber of Commerce Igor Shevchenko.

– Given the common border similarities in language and culture, local businessmen prefer to cooperate with the Poles from other Europeans – he said during a conversation with a reporter

– Moreover, Poland has gone well ever European integration, we are going now, and its experience can be used.

The process of adaptation producers from Vinnytsia to the European market, according to the representative of the Chamber of Commerce, it is difficult to assess unambiguously, it’s hard complex work, which every company cpravlyayetsya differently.

Note that a similar opinion expressed previously head of international cooperation of the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration Volodymyr Merezhko, warning of difficult business conditions for the survival of the EU market.

However, despite this, local entrepreneurs the most diverse orientation continue to “open a window to Europe” for its products.

– Talking about what products are willing to supply to the EU our businessmen can not allocate one thing, because a considerable range of these products, – said Mr. Shevchenko.

– Of course, first is agricultural products and foodstuffs, but it is not all. Here, literally today one businessman asked us to assist him with the export of timber. The region exports a lot – from food to works of art.

We recall that a free trade zone between Ukraine and the EU started work on 1 January this year. Since our country has received quotas for the realization of their goods in a united Europe. In addition, the EU and Ukraine jointly abolished customs duties on a number of products. It is assumed that as a result of following our exporters will save 487 million euros annually and European – 391 million.


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