Vinnytsia Chamber of Commerce and Industry
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Home » Exporters » Vinnitsa factory "Crystal" Joint Stock Company
Vinnitsa factory “Crystal” Joint Stock Company

The enterprise belongs to the manufacturing industry and under the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine. Business – Manufacturing jewelry production, wholesale and retail trade in diamonds and jewelry. The company products are presented as the domestic market and abroad.

The list of products and services:

• production of diamonds from the purchase of raw materials;
• providing processing diamonds from raw materials;
• making jewelry;
• production of tools, devices and technological equipment for processing diamonds and jewelry making.

The company manufactures diamond-cut classic round shape with 57 faces, fancy-cut forms, “Marquis”, “Pear”, “Emerald”, “Oval”. Demand diamonds mixed type ohranuvannya especially popular “Princess.”

In jewelery made of gold jewelry with diamonds. In this production made in the range of rings, earrings, pendants with diamond inlays of own production.
