Vinnytsia Chamber of Commerce and Industry
(067) 430-07-05

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More news
“Day Economy” Ukraine-Bavaria 2016 “

Delegation of German Economy in Ukraine, in collaboration with the Industry and Chamber of Commerce of Munich and Upper Bavaria and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Media, Energy and Technology of Bavaria arranges for Ukrainian business information business trip to Germany “Day Economy” Ukraine-Bavaria 2016 “in the city. Munich 7-9 June this year.

During the trip Ukrainian entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the actual economic situation in the markets of Germany and Europe and the main aspects of doing business in Germany, to get advice on the opportunities offered by the Agreement on free trade zone between Ukraine and the EU, and to hold business meetings and talk by profile of each of the participating businesses and their cooperation possibilities.

Participation in this event will promote promising new contacts for future cooperation with German entrepreneurs in the European market and to get consulting help to increase the efficiency of their work internationally.

Please note that for organizational reasons, applications will be accepted until 5 April 2016. The event involves organizing the collection of information contained in the application.


– Alexander Tkachuk, tel. (044) 234-59-98, 235-72-25.
– Ekaterina Drozd, tel. (044) 481-33-90


Application Form

Variants of air flight and accommodation

International Private Enterprise Group AMSTOR

We propose to introduce very economical (reducing costs 2.5-5 times), high-performance, reliable and secure, fully automated heating and hot water (including hot water process needs) world technical level with a short payback period (2 to 5

Such systems provide heating and enjoy a set temperature, according to the requirements of sanitary norms in the office, industrial, office, residential, and other ancillary areas.

Hot water fully satisfy the needs of production by this system will completely eliminate the use of expensive natural gas, while maintaining the existing heating system in “hot” standby.

The efficiency of the proposed system is 98-99%.

Proposal for heating systems

Company «Chema Industries» offers fertilizers produced

“Chema Industries” – Egyptian manufacturer and exporter of fertilizers. The company is accredited ISO 9001/2008, ISO 14001/2004, and OHSAS 18001/2007, and is considered one of the leading Egyptian manufacturers and exporters in the field of fertilizers, pesticides & sprayers.

Product list for 2016, which includes all product information and specifications.

International Conference “Berries of Ukraine-2016: Freezing and Fresh Market”

May 19-20, in Cherkasy hotel “Orange”, ul. Frunze, 145 held the seventh International Conference “Berries of Ukraine-2016: Freezing and Fresh Market”. This conference is the largest event in the country’s agricultural businesses, whose theme focuses exclusively on all important issues berry sector.

The project “APK-Inform: Vegetables and Fruits” informs about the ongoing registration of participants of the Seventh International Conference “Berries of Ukraine-2016: Freezing and Fresh Market”.

Relay event this year passed in Cherkassy, ​​which significantly expand the geography of the conference participants.

Berry business today continues to be attractive for investors, especially for items such as raspberry, blueberry, strawberry and others.

Cherkassy not accidentally become the venue for the next berry forum. Traditionally, the organizers have prepared a two-day conference format, and on May 20, the participants of the first day of the event will be able to visit one of the leading berry farms in the region – the company “Adana-3”, which in practice will be available with the technology of cultivation of various fruit crops. There will also be showcased technology production and storage of high-quality planting material.

The following topics will be covered within the business program of the conference:

– Forecast of production and prices of basic berry crops in Ukraine in 2016
– The potential for export of fresh and frozen berries
– Key promising export destinations in 2016 season
– Production technologies of berry crops in Ukraine: strawberry, raspberry, blueberry tall, gooseberry, honeysuckle, currant, blackberry
– Agrochemical support berry production
– The right approach to the choice of planting material
– Potential production of berry varieties remontant
– Investments in the berry business: the most attractive positions
– Deep Freeze berries in Ukraine. State and prospects of development of the market
– Equipment for the berry business
– The latest refinement technology, packaging and processing of fruits in Ukraine
– The main distribution channels for fresh and frozen berries: retail, wholesale markets, processing, export, and more. al.
– The main audience of the conference: the producers of berries (50%), processors, representatives of wholesalers and retailers, input suppliers and equipment suppliers of planting material and agricultural chemistry, specialized media and others.
– The organizers expect that the conference will be attended by over 150 delegates from 8-10 countries.

Options from the organizers:

– Special conditions for the participation of producers of berries – 2300 UAH .;
– Preferential conditions of participation for registration before April 3, 2016;
– Discount on the registration of additional delegates from the company.

Conditions of participation in the conference

The conference program

International forum-exhibition business contacts “Brest 2016”

21-22 April 2016 Brest Regional Executive Committee together with the Brest office of the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and hold international forum-exhibition business contacts “Brest 2016” (

The purpose of the above event is to strengthen inter-business cooperation, providing conditions for the conclusion of mutually beneficial agreements, finding new markets for products, attract investment.

CCI Ukraine has started work on a complete set of business delegation to visit Ukraine in the period from 20 April to 23 m. Brest to participate in the above activities.

Brest branch of the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce also announced the possibility of Ukrainian participants to contact and cooperative exchange format B2B.

We invite you to join the delegation of the Chamber of Commerce and ask Ukraine to engage in a business trip to Belarus interested entrepreneurs

In case of interest for participation must fill registration form (form attached) and until April 12 this year send to the International Cooperation Department (tel .: 044 2780930, e-mail: for further cooperation.

Application, Brest on 21-22 April 2016 p


EU and Canada to help Ukrainian businessmen and experts money

The fact that the Ukrainian state business at best simply will not interfere, for a long time it is no secret. Is that for the most inveterate optimists who simply do not notice the obvious. Pessimists call while not spending extra forces and go right to the bottom. For still there sooner or later find ourselves. Only realists understand: If you close one door – you knock on others. Moreover, the doors themselves well prepared to reveal.

These “doors” are, in particular, programs to support small and medium enterprises implementing individual states and international organizations. Especially important for Ukrainian businessmen are the ones that promote the release of domestic business to foreign and international markets.

Magnificent Four

Four such programs will be presented during the seminar “Financial and technical support to businesses from the EU and Canada,” which will be held in Vinnitsa on March 28 on the initiative of the Vinnitsa Chamber of Commerce and «Euroconsulting.”

– Entrepreneurs learn about the program “Women Senior Experts (SES)”, “Supporting the development and efficiency of small and medium-sized enterprises (trade-off),” Canadian-Ukrainian project to support trade and investment (CUTIS), as well as the direction Framework Programme of the EU research and innovation “Horizon 2020”, dedicated to supporting agri-food sector and agriculture.

They offer practical benefits for small and medium business development both in companies and in finding foreign partners – said the Head of Foreign Economic Relations and translations Vinnitsa Chamber Igor Shevchenko.

– For Ukrainian business is very important is the emergence of new programs within which may receive financial and technical assistance, – the director of “Yevrokosaltynh” Sergei Desyak. – The first – is the ability to finance investment projects or individual activities of the company. The second involves providing expert assistance to enterprises in addressing enterprise development by bringing to his team of foreign experts.


One such program is the program of the German Senior Expert Service (SES), which will present the workshop coordinator office coordinator at the European Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine Martin Reuter.

Similar programs implementing various EU countries. They are all united by one purpose: to enable experts who retired to share their valuable experience abroad – he said. – German peculiarity of the program is a great base experts – more than 10,000 in various fields – and sold about 40 000 projects for 30 years.

Another “highlight» SES – that the majority of expenses under the program covering the German side.

The customer receives a highly west consultant on a voluntary basis, that is virtually free. This cooperation often continues after the project, and an expert is “their” man of the client company in Germany – says Martin Reuter.
In this way, Ukraine has implemented more than 400 projects, which were customers not only business, but also educational, medical and social field.

Canada fills a vacuum

Canadian-Ukrainian project to support trade and investment (CUTIS), which is also present participants of the seminar, funded by Global Affairs Canada and implemented by the Conference Board of Canada in partnership with the Canadian-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce.

Its main objective – reducing poverty in Ukraine due to increased exports to Canada and Canadian investments in Ukraine. Purchaser assistance (in the form of training, support for participation in exhibitions and events in Canada, help with finding partners and negotiating, etc.) will be selected based on strict criteria of small and medium enterprises Ukraine – says the executive director of the Canadian-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine Emma Turos .

According to her, among the problems to be addressed by the project – support of Ukraine’s exports to Canada Canadian clarify regulatory policy and practices used, and support implementation of the agreement on free trade zone between Ukraine and Canada.

There is an information vacuum in trade with Canada and request for information society that will grow with the signing of the FTA. Many developments of the project will become public domain. Working with specific business filled with practical content available information and provide a positive signal to businessmen of both countries – said Emma Turos.

Farmers – “our all”

Another program, which acquainted the participants – “Horizon 2020”, more precisely, its section, aimed at increasing the competitiveness of agriculture and forestry, agri-food and biological sectors. The next deadline for applications to participate in the third sub expires May, stressed Sergei Desyak.

Participation in the program will finance the project organization based on new technologies to ensure the supply of safe, healthy and quality food and other biological products. Particular attention is paid to promoting innovation in integrated pest management, increase resource efficiency and environmental performance in the production and processing of food products, creating added value from waste and by-products of others. Vinnytsia region is a leader in the agricultural sector of Ukraine. So the region’s economy depends largely on the efficiency of agricultural enterprises and companies involved in processing agricultural products, – the director of “Euroconsulting.”

Read more about the seminar “Financial and technical support to businesses from the EU and Canada” and the conditions of participation in it you can see by the numbers:

(0432) 50-91-30, (066) 702-22-05 (Nadia Savchuk)

(0432) 52-03-54, (050) 335-96-19 (Victor Dyadkovych).

Registration for the seminar –

39-th International Building Exhibition “Turkeybuild” (Turkey)

In the period from 10 to 14 May 2016 in Central Anatolia Exporters Union (OAIV) by the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Turkey in. Istanbul (Turkey) held 39th international construction exhibition “TURKEYBUILD” ( . Trade mission during the exhibition will be held from 8 to 11 May 2016. The deadline for completed questionnaires to the Office – April 22, 2016.

From 17 to 21 May 2016 Union exporters of textiles and readymade garments Istanbul (ITKIV) by the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Turkey in. Istanbul (Turkey) held the 22nd International Exhibition of Home Textile “EVTEKS” (http://cnrevteks. com). Trade mission during the exhibition will be held from 15 to 18 May 2016. Also in the period from 16 to 19 May 2016 to participate in trade missions invited members of the media for coverage of the event in the press/TV. The deadline for completed questionnaires to the Office – 27 April 2016.

Trade Mission program envisages bilateral meetings with Turkish manufacturers/exporters of the products (according to paragraph 8 of questionnaires completed), visit the exhibition and some local producers at the expense of the organizers.

The program of trade missions for 4 day, including:

Day 1 – arrival in Turkey, accommodation in hotels;
Day 2 – bilateral meetings with entrepreneurs that retskymy;
Day 3 – Visit the exhibition/production companies;
Day 4 – return to Ukraine.

Thus, the cost of accommodation, breakfast and transfers airport-hotel-airport, exhibition center provides Turkish side, travel costs (flight Ukraine-Turkey-Ukraine) are paid directly by the Ukrainian companies will come to Turkey.

To participate in this program to representatives of Ukrainian companies just fill in electronic application form and send it to the address on that date the Office.

We pay special attention to that all the fields of the form must be filled. The final decision on the inclusion of representatives of Ukrainian enterprises of the trade mission to cover the cost of staying in Turkey accepts the Turkish side.

Important information for companies participating in the program:

The required presence of representatives of enterprises with foreign language (English, German or French), authorized to make decisions on transactions for the purchase of goods.

Special American Business Internship SABIT

Other special amerykanskaya program delovыh ​​stazhyrovok “SABIT” the Ministry of Commerce US razrabotala program “Innovation and Efficiency in Agribusiness” to 18 professionals in the industry dannoy IZ Evrazyy. As part of the program SABIT passed uspeshnoe Learning More than 6,000 managers and scientists IZ Evrazyy countries, South Asia, Severnoy Ireland, Latynskoy America, Africa and Blyzhneho East.

SABIT gives the participants Ability poznakomytsya s ee otraslyu and regulation, establish contacts for cooperation dalneysheho delovoho, learn about ynnovatsyonnыh technologies, equipment and services, as well as Receive rыnochnыh knowledge of business methods.

Hruppovaya trёhnedelnaya stazhyrovka nachnetsya busy with Nedeli Theoretically, kotoryya mogut include in itself Seminars on standards, legislation, standards, certification, Drawing business plan, mezhkulturnыm Kommunikatsii and negotiations, as well as management and business association.

Next posleduyut Visits US-companies, rabotayuschyh in DIFFERENT areas of Agribusiness and meeting with otraslevmy association.

TIME WILL BE Vaud program osveschatsya Such Topics as: ahrohymykatы, rastenyevodstvo, animal husbandry, REFINING, Marketing and Distribution production, supply semyan, as well as equipment for the agricultural sector.

Kandydat, podayuschye application for participation dolzhnы onthem post of co znachytelnыm urovnem liability and ymet Significant Experience dannoy work in the industry. The program will be held in the village of English synhronnыm shifted to Russian. Participants must freely Liboje said in English, Liboje in Russian language.

Zapolnennaya profile dolzhna soprovozhdatsya rekomendatelnыm the writing on podpysyu Director of the company, kotoroe dolzhna soderzh Description dolzhnostnыh duties at present soyskatelya Time and Resolution for participation in the program in ukazannыe term. If the applicant had javljaetsja director of the organization, for Anke neobhodimo prilozh rekomendatelnoe writing business here Brief Description of partner with sovmestnыh projects. Both dolzhnы bыt document in English and Russian languages. Participants also dolzhnы prilozh of the first cops Pages zarubezhnoho passport.

Rassmotrenye and otbor candidates for participation in the program produces Ministry of Commerce US Based IZ urovnja education, professyonalnыh dostyzhenyy and Experience of work in the industry. Okonchatelnoe decision on the composition uchebnoy group prynymaet Program “SABIT” in Washington. Fynalystы, successfully past the competition will uvedomlenы program coordinators’ SABIT “in Moscow, Kiev and Almaty. Knowledge of English useful to, but neobyazatelno – 2 interpreters, rabotayuschye with hruppoy WILL BE obespechyvat posledovatelnыy translate into Russian. Otobrannыm candidates to the beginning stazhyrovky neobhodimo proof korotkuyu presentation of own way company.

Public procurement in Ukraine

On 21-24 March 2016 in Vinnitsa Chamber of Commerce trained in courses of permanent members of the Tender Committee.

Curriculum specialists in the field of public procurement included:

1. Overview of the Law of Ukraine “On public procurement”. The main provisions of the differences and the Law “On public procurement”.

2. Introduction of e-procurement through resource PROZORRO. Registration and work in the system.

3. Review of electronic platforms in the system PROZORRO. Organization of subthreshold e-procurement.

4. Procedure for electronic auction (price reduction) and the winner of the procurement procedure.

Lecturer – Victor Kit.


Invites to the training of members of the Tender Committee:

25-28 April, 23-26 May 2016.

The seminar “Financial and technical support to businesses from the EU and Canada”

Participation in it took more than 50 entrepreneurs not only from Vinnitsa and Vinnitsa region, but also from Kyiv. The theme of the seminar were the four programs of business support “service senior experts (SES)”, “Supporting the development and efficiency of small and medium-sized enterprises (trade-off),” Canadian-Ukrainian project to support trade and investment (CUTIS), as well as one of the areas framework Programme for research and innovation “Horizon 2020”, dedicated to supporting agri-food sector and agriculture.

Of the questions that participants asked the speakers, and to communicate with businesses after the seminar can make two conclusions:

a) foreign support programs and business development for Ukrainian entrepreneurs not just urgent and very urgent;

b) information on such programs is very, very lacking. This means that the organizers and speakers – Igor Shevchenko, Sergey Desyak, Martin Reuther, Oksana Bondar, Emma Turos, Igor Tyutyushkyn, Victor Dyadkovych Nadezhda Savchuk – worked without reason :))). And special thanks – Vinnytsia journalist RSTBC “Winter” Svetlana Arłamów Airport-Kiryushin for economic interest in the subject :))).

On presented the seminar program can be found by following links:

And yet – looking newscast on Channel VDT, which will be released today, March 28, at 21.30, and the transfer of “Economic Bulletin”. The time of its airing on VDT ​​- Saturday, April 2, at 18.58 and on Sunday, April 3, at 12.18

Seminar: “The financial and technical support from the EU and Canada”

How to get irrevocable financial assistance for the implementation of innovative projects and the acquisition of modern equipment?

How to offset expenses associated with participation in exhibitions abroad?

As a free attract the best foreign experts to improve business? What are the new opportunities to enter foreign markets and attracting foreign investment? Answers to these and other questions about the development of their own businesses will receive participants’ financial and technical support to businesses from the EU and Canada, “which will be held in Vinnitsa March 28 on the initiative of the Vinnitsa Chamber of Commerce and companies” Euroconsulting. “

To participate in this event invited representatives of enterprises in the production and processing of agricultural products, food production, as well as representatives of hotel and restaurant business.

Entrepreneurs will learn about the four programs of business support implementing the EU and Canada, “Service senior experts (SES)”, “Supporting the development and efficiency of small and medium-sized enterprises (trade-off),” Canadian-Ukrainian project to support trade and investment (CUTIS ) and the direction of the EU framework program for research and innovation “Horizon 2020”, dedicated to supporting agri-food sector and agriculture.

Will present the programs coordinator of European Office of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine Martin Reuter, Regional Coordinator of the trade-off in Vinnytsia region, supported by the Government of Canada, Oksana Bondar, CEO of the Canadian-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine Emma Turos and director of “Euroconsulting” Sergei Desyak .

The workshop will run from 9.30 to 13.30.
Location – Vinnitsa, st. Soborna, 68 (theater them. Kotsyubinskogo), 2nd floor

The seminar program –
The registration fee for participants – 200 UAH.
Registration for the seminar –

Detailed information:

(0432) 50-91-30, (066) 702-22-05 (Nadia Savchuk)
(0432) 52-03-54, (050) 335-96-19 (Victor Dyadkovych)


• As part of the SES (Service senior experts) vysokodosvidcheni experts from Germany, retire, give entrepreneurs advice on the development of marketing strategies and strategies for sales, optimize processes, improve environmental protection and safety, quality management, upgrading, etc. . al.

• Canadian-Ukrainian project to support trade and investment (CUTIS) implemented by the Conference Board of Canada and the Canadian-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce. The purpose of the project – increase trade and investment between Canada and Ukraine by supporting the access of SMEs Ukraine including those owned / run by women, to Canadian and world markets.

• Project technical assistance “Partnership for urban development” (trade-off) aimed at strengthening the municipal sector in Ukraine; creating a favorable environment for SMEs; support decentralization and integrated development planning at local, regional and national levels.

• Horizon 2020 – the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. Its goal – economic development, based on the relationship between research and innovation as well as “transfer of scientific ideas from laboratories to the marketplace.”

For farmers Vinnitsa find points of growth

Farmers of Vinnytsia participate in the educational project “growth point”, as the source said. During the three-day training sessions, representatives of the company BASF (one of the world’s leading suppliers of plant protection products) and the International Finance Corporation (IFC) will teach local farmers to innovate, develop a strategy for effective development of the economy and manage cash flow.

“The program includes 12 events throughout Ukraine and will be implemented in the territory of agricultural land with a total area of ​​one million hectares – said project coordinator in Ukraine Natalia Gavrilyuk. – To participate attracted the most effective management. “

The primary objective of the project Representatives of BASF and IFC called to ensure the stable development of agriculture and strengthening Ukraine’s position as an exporter in the international arena. For this purpose, in particular, farmers talk about the methods of risk management such as crop insurance and the use of the mechanism of agricultural receipts.

In addition, farmers will learn about the products, which will allow the plants to develop fully in the fields of their natural potential and increase yields.

“In Ukraine, there is a reserve, there is a growth point, which can develop the farmers to increase the efficiency of agriculture, – said the head of the project” Development of funding of the agricultural sector in Eastern Europe and Central Asia “IFC’s Ukraine Leah Soroka. – Introducing innovation can increase yields, thereby reducing production costs and increasing its competitiveness. “

According to Ms. Soroka, the project area is equally true for both attracting new technologies in agriculture, as well as how to find the funds. One, in her opinion, comes out the other. That is why special attention in training will be paid to the practical aspects of the financing of agribusiness and successful cooperation between farmers, banks, lenders, suppliers and other partners.

This is a great opportunity for farmers. These projects and programs often need to arrange so that our Ukrainian agrarians to develop even faster MORE productive and confidently passed fully to the European standards.

By the way, last year, most of the problems farmers Vinnitsa region suffered from drought and reduce the cost of the national currency.

Vinnytsia entrepreneurs come to the European market via Poland

Increasing cooperation with the EU under the FTA, entrepreneurs from Vinnytsya region prefer partners from Poland, informs This was told the head of the department of foreign economic relations and translate the Vinnitsa Chamber of Commerce Igor Shevchenko.

– Given the common border similarities in language and culture, local businessmen prefer to cooperate with the Poles from other Europeans – he said during a conversation with a reporter

– Moreover, Poland has gone well ever European integration, we are going now, and its experience can be used.

The process of adaptation producers from Vinnytsia to the European market, according to the representative of the Chamber of Commerce, it is difficult to assess unambiguously, it’s hard complex work, which every company cpravlyayetsya differently.

Note that a similar opinion expressed previously head of international cooperation of the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration Volodymyr Merezhko, warning of difficult business conditions for the survival of the EU market.

However, despite this, local entrepreneurs the most diverse orientation continue to “open a window to Europe” for its products.

– Talking about what products are willing to supply to the EU our businessmen can not allocate one thing, because a considerable range of these products, – said Mr. Shevchenko.

– Of course, first is agricultural products and foodstuffs, but it is not all. Here, literally today one businessman asked us to assist him with the export of timber. The region exports a lot – from food to works of art.

We recall that a free trade zone between Ukraine and the EU started work on 1 January this year. Since our country has received quotas for the realization of their goods in a united Europe. In addition, the EU and Ukraine jointly abolished customs duties on a number of products. It is assumed that as a result of following our exporters will save 487 million euros annually and European – 391 million.

Podolskiy krai, Limited Liability Company

Activity: Manufacturing products of the milling industry.

LLP “Podilskyi krai” is a strong union of modern enterprises with the necessary tools and resources to develop their own complete cycle of production: from the supply of raw materials from agricultural fields, processing and manufacturing to their trading places.

LLP “Podilskyi krai” was founded in 2000. Today, the company integrates flour milling plant, macaroni factory and groats milling plant. The company also has its own bakery, which uses its own milling products.

Baking shop is equipped with modern facilities, namely: dough kneader, mixers, dough divider, dough flattening roller, dough forming machine, dough molder, water dispenser-mixer, and other baking equipment that minimizes the cost of human resources.

All stages of production process must pass strict control.

Therefore, thanks to modern equipment, quality raw materials and highly skilled personnel, our products are of high quality with excellent taste characteristics.

The issue of product range is always topical for bakery workers. It is formed depending on the needs and preferences of consumers.

Мале приватне підприємство «Руслана»

Areas of activity: production and trade in building materials.

List of products and services:

– Production and sale of products made of composite material, namely: sewer hatches load class A15-D400 round and square, rainwater collectors, carpet, drainage systems, cable channels, police officers, siding, paving slabs, paving, tactile tiles, grape columns , cable closure plates.
– Wholesale and retail sales of building materials:
– Cement, slate, brick, ceramic tile, dry mixes, materials for insulation and waterproofing, paint, plumbing, mesh for fencing and masonry, appliances, linoleum, laminate and more.
– We provide services for the acceptance of secondary polymers from the public and businesses and organizations.

Limited Liability Company “MUR”

A core area of activity: design, construction and installation work, reconstruction, restoration, repair and construction work.

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