International Agricultural Exhibition “AHROEKSPO 2016”
Kirovohrad Regional Chamber of Commerce informs that from September 29 to October 1, 2016 in the city. Kirovograd held International Agricultural Exhibition “AHROEKSPO 2016”.
We invite interested companies to participate in this landmark event.
Kirovograd RCCI organizes a collective stand where your company in the region will have the opportunity to present their products and services at the indoor pavilion.
Participation in a given application.
Hittner d.o.o. Looking for partners in Ukraine
Croatian company wants to establish contacts with Ukrainian partners for the sale of agricultural machinery.
Limited Liability Company “Phytosvit Ltd”
Products: wheat, soy, flax, mustard, beans, coriander, milk thistle, chamomile, calendula, sage, echinacea, peppermint, lemon balm, mallow, thyme.
PrAT “Autoelectric equipment”
На протязі вісьми років нашим основним напрямком діяльності є виробництво джгутів проводів, підзборок, перемичок кабелів, електропроводок, що застосовуються в електротехнічних виробах автомобільної промисловості, побутовій техніці та промислової електротехніки.
В даний час Завод Автоелектроапаратура є постачальником джгутів великих українських і російських компаній.
Високопродуктивне обладнання та кваліфікований персонал дозволяють підприємству виконувати найскладніші замовлення, в термін, з високою якістю і за прийнятною ціною.
Продукція, послуги: джгути проводів до автомобільних фар, колодки контактні, контакти, гумово-технічні вироби.
Offer one stop shop
A document prepared by the Office of Investment and Free Zones of Egypt (GAFI) on facilities and services provided by investors in Egypt through the one stop shop.
State-owned scientific and production association “Fort” MIA of Ukraine
The list of products and services:
– Small arms caliber 9 mm Makarov, 9 mm Luger, 9 mm kurz,
– Traumatic weapons P.A. caliber 9 mm, .45 Rubber,
– Grenade launchers cal 40×46 mm,
– Pump shotguns cal. 12/70,
– Special means – handcuffs, shields proof, rods
– Ammunition,
– Modernization of AK-74, AKM.
Limited Liability Company “Mak-Var Ecoproduct”
Production of healthy food:
- Pasta “Health” Continuous grain flour (wheat, rye)
- Pasta “Health” for diabetics
- Pasta “Health” with plant additives (fat pumpkin seeds, flax, thistle, amaranth, corn germ, grape bones, etc.).
- Flour “Health” Continuous-ground grain (rye, wheat)
- Bran Food “Health” wheat, rye, oat
- Food additives skim powder (meal), flax seeds, corn germ, pumpkin, thistle, grape seeds and others.
- Sprouted rye grains (malt)
- Tolling
Industrial Joint Stock Company “Mogilev-Podolsky mashzavod”
“Mogilev-Podolsky mashzavod” is part of the industrial complex Industrial Group “KMT” since 2004. MPMZ – a leading enterprise in Ukraine for the production of flour and grain elevator and feed equipment of various capacities.
– Production and sale of the Mill – elevator equipment, feed equipment for large and medium-sized industrial enterprises
– Supply of spare parts and components for equipment MPMZ
– Design, upgrading of equipment and processing facilities, support of projects and technical consultancy
– Aggregate Roller mill capacity 7 ton / day, 15 tons / day, 30 t / d and 50 t / day;
– Mill complexes capacity of 60 tons / day, 100 tons / day, 200 tons / day and above;
– Equipment for the production of cereals from wheat, barley, peas, millet, and corn;
– Combined fodder production equipment for farms and feed mills;
– Technological machines for milling and cereal enterprises (Roller tools, screening, entoleytory, sitoveechnye machine vymolnye machines, filter bags, and others.);
– Cleaning equipment (grain preparation modules, cereals and pneumatic separators, Trier, Stone cleaners, scouring machines, skalperators et al.);
– Transportation equipment (chain and screw conveyors, pneumatic conveying systems, bucket elevators, screw kovshovo- loaders);
– Spare parts (rollers, fans, gear, product, air ducts, gears, etc.)
– Rollers for Roller machines of all brands.
– Design of modular mills and fodder plants on individual projects
– Complex delivery and installation of equipment at the request of the Customer
– Warranty and post-warranty service
– Modernization of existing equipment and processing complexes
– Repair and recovery of non-performing mills, feed mills and retrofitted equipment of its own production
– All products of food engineering, produced by the plant certified by accredited certification authorities.
In 2014, the plant has certified the quality of the relevant management system trebavaniya International Standard MC ISO 9001: 2009.
Additional liability “Bratslav”
Equipment for livestock: livestock complexes, milking equipment, farms, fodder.
Equipment for horticulture: garden bags, telizhky platforms that are designed to transport and harvesting fruits and vegetables.
Private Joint Stock Company «Mayak»
Electroconvector (wall, universal) elekroradiatory oil-filled, electric cookers, air-heating units (heat fans, heat guns, thermal veils) plintusni elektrokonvekory, infrared heater, electric boilers, radiators with copper-aluminum heat exchanger and heating coil steel.
Services: warranty, laboratory tests, instrumental production.
Limited Liability Company “Company” Tekhnoprom-Product”
The main activities:
– Drying production of household appliances;
– Industrial production drying equipment;
– Production and sale of high quality dried.
The company commercially produces universal household dryer “Sadochok” having European level performance and enable at home getting dried fruits (dried berries, fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, etc.) of high quality.
Public Joint Stock Company “Volodarka”
Public Joint Stock Company “Lady” today – a dynamic company that actively develops the same specialization which is producing classic menswear:
– pants
– jackets
– costumes
– jackets
– coat
Limited Liability Company “Joint Ukrainian-Hungarian company” Anfol”
Production of plastic packaging and disposable tableware.
Koreksiv production and packaging for the confectionery industry.
Production of cans for meat, fat and chemicals.
Manufacture of disposable tableware with a picture and without.
Production of containers for berries and fruits.
Production of plastic film PP and PS.
State Research and Production Enterprise “Geosystem”

Limited Liability Company – the company “AVIS”
The main areas of activity:
– Food processing, light oil, mayonnaise, margarine, cream, confectionary, high-quality refined and unrefined sunflower oil under TM “AVIS”, “Mayo”, “Generous house”, “ELITE OIL” and others.
– Manufacture of food packaging.
List of products: mayonnaise “Vinnitsa” deli mayonnaise TM “Mayo” mayonnaise “Vinnitsa egg” margarine “Doyarochka” mayonnaise “Exquisite” TM “Mayo” margarine “Creamy Extra” sunflower vysokooleyinova “Children”; Oil TM “Podolsky mark”, butter TM “AVIS” RAF. / Death .; Oil TM “AVIS” RAF. / Death .; sunflower oil raf. / death. TM “Mayo” margarine “puff” margarine “Sun Suite” margarine “crispy crust,” low-calorie soft margarine “Ladybird” cream “Confectioner E” table margarine “Milk”, margarine for puff pastry “Sloyka- K “table margarine” Cream E “and others.
Vinnitsa factory “Crystal” Joint Stock Company
The enterprise belongs to the manufacturing industry and under the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine. Business – Manufacturing jewelry production, wholesale and retail trade in diamonds and jewelry. The company products are presented as the domestic market and abroad.
The list of products and services:
• production of diamonds from the purchase of raw materials;
• providing processing diamonds from raw materials;
• making jewelry;
• production of tools, devices and technological equipment for processing diamonds and jewelry making.
The company manufactures diamond-cut classic round shape with 57 faces, fancy-cut forms, “Marquis”, “Pear”, “Emerald”, “Oval”. Demand diamonds mixed type ohranuvannya especially popular “Princess.”
In jewelery made of gold jewelry with diamonds. In this production made in the range of rings, earrings, pendants with diamond inlays of own production.