Vinnytsia Chamber of Commerce and Industry
(0432) 53-00-07

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Sperco Ukraine, Joint Ukrainian-Spanish company in the form of a limited liability company
Hmilnyksilmash, Public Joint Stock Company

The list of products and services:
– Units for speed of processing CABG-2,5 (flat, disc harrows, flexible beard);
– Units for speed of processing 3.6-CABG (flat, disc, harrow, harrow flexible);
– Units for speed tillage CABG-5,6 (flat, disc harrow, harrow flexible);
– The unit combined cultivating AAA-3.0 (2 rjada discs, cultivator, harrow flexible);
– The unit combined cultivating AAA-5,6 (2 rjada discs, cultivator, harrow flexible);
-Ahrehat Combined cultivating (soil tillage after maize, rapeseed, sunflower and other backgrounds) (RowerCUTT-4) (import equipment working bodies);
– Vehicles for roads strewing sand and screening MIA-0,5D (mad);
– Machine for making fertilizer MIA-0.7 (mad);
– Machine for making fertilizer MIA-1.2 (mad);
– Machine for making fertilizer MIA-1.5 (mad);
– Machine for making fertilizer MIA-3,3 (trailer)
– Machine for making fertilizer MIA-4.3 (Trailer)
– Hoe universal hinged CUN-3 (cultivator, harrow flexible);
– Hoe hlybokorozryhlyuvach KU-P;
– Roller Crusher bullpen notched 10;
– Roller gear hydroficated HLC-8;
– Harrow light spring BLP-9;
– Harrow Zubov BZM-5.6; Tedder Tedder CMO-3.7;
– Elevator tractor PT- 1 (vantazhopidyemnistyu 1 ton);
– Elevator tractor PT-1P (carrying capacity 1 ton) Swivel

, Polymer, Limited liability company

Polyethylene film, Polyethylene film Shrink, film shrink plastic pallets, plastic bags, bags and film patterned, promotional packages such as “Mike” and “banana” with a picture of the customer, a film of polyethylene and polypropylene with a pattern of orders, garbage bags.

Uladovka spirit factory, State Enterprise

The list of products and services:

  • Technical ethyl alcohol
  • Ethanol denatured
  • Ethyl alcohol
Vieth-Testanera Korbwaren company offers cooperation

The German company Vieth-Testanera Korbwaren looking for partners who specialize in the production of baskets and other goods for Craft placing orders for production. Since the company’s product range can be found on its web page (below):


Products list:

  1. Poperednonapruzheni concrete sleepers for railways type SB-3
  2. Poperednonapruzheni concrete sleepers for railways type SH1-3
  3. Stands irra contact rail network type SS
  4. Multihollow
  5. Plates fence
  6. Plates road
  7. Pavement tile, inlaid fence
  8. Rings and cover the ringed
  9. Ferro
  10. Foundation blocks
  11. Reinforced concrete pipe pressure vibration extruded
  12. Ferro-concrete free-flow vibration extruded
  13. Concrete free-flow pipes centrifuged
  14. Concrete, mortar and cement
“European System of CERTUA”

Vinnitsa Chamber of Commerce and the Polish Society “Integration EAST EUROPE” developed a joint project under the theme “European System of CERTUA”.

The purpose of this project is aimed at providing practical and methodological assistance to enterprises of Vinnytsia region on implementation of quality management and food safety in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9000 and ISO 22000, based on the principles of HACCP (in English HACCP – Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points – hazard analysis and critical control points).

Implementation of the above management systems offers advantages:

  • increasing consumer confidence in products and as a consequence – increased competitiveness;
  • expanding markets;
  • compliance with legal requirements for the implementation of the management system of food safety (HACCP);
  • certification of quality management system and/or management system for food safety verification by an independent body;
  • advantage in tenders.

The approximate cost of services depends on the number of staff and the specifics of the company and ranges from 16,000 to 39,000 USD, 50% is paid by grant funds.

We ask you to 30.04.2016r. by e-mail or, or call 0432-52-59-57 inform about the willingness and capacity to participate in the grant project “European System of CERTUA”.

II National Forum on export support: the surprise dialogue exporters and authorities this year?

April 27-28, 2016 in Chamber of Commerce of Ukraine under the patronage of the President of Ukraine and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine under the theme “Discovering the country. Combines Business “will be held the second National Forum of export support. Forum aims to help domestic exporters to improve the business environment and attract investment in Ukraine. This was discussed at a press briefing on announcing the Forum, which was held in the press center of the Ukrainian crisis media center.

The idea II National Forum to support exports – the need for significant reform of the economy and all areas relating to export, because without such support reforms and further rise in domestic production and improve economic performance not possible. “Ukraine is an export-oriented country. Therefore, all issues related to support national exports, should always be the focus of both government and civil society organizations and the business itself. II National Forum of export support – platform for effective dialogue between business and government. It will be held at a time when Ukraine is updated in power, and we hope that members of the new government will take active part in the Forum, listen to the wishes of business and perceive them as a guide to action “- said Sergey whistled, chairman of the Organizing Committee, Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine.

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The program of the Forum provides a gala session with representatives of the Government, Parliament and Presidential Administration of Ukraine on “Implementation of effective economic reforms in Ukraine as a key to successful support domestic producers and increase Ukrainian exports”, panel discussions, round tables and work specialized sections.

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Forum consists of 15 panels, during which business tries to develop the best solutions on a range of issues related to the support and promotion of domestic goods and services exporters in markets of foreign countries, especially the EU, overcoming technical barriers, modernization and technical re enterprises in accordance with EU standards, issuing certificates of compliance, licensing products; determine principles regarding the formation of Ukraine export-credit agency, institution authorized economic operators; discuss problems SMEs in export-import operations and more. “We obviously already reached the point where no reforms, only administrative measures can not increase exports. Understanding its role of CCI Ukraine is trying to create the right conditions to promote domestic products from Ukraine. Our common goal – to Ukraine as soon as possible came to the forefront as an exporting country, as well as the state, for which the investor will always be a welcome guest and ally in resolving many issues, including the development and maintenance of both exports and domestic production “, – said Sergei whistled. 13062925_697260277083597_4848970550930665275_o        13040902_697260167083608_580809794761762431_o

Naturally, today we can quickly reorient the economy from Russia towards the European Union – will be lost, and because of the products should be placed in other markets. For this reason, some sections of the Forum will address the issue of the Chinese and African markets. In particular, the planned two large panels aimed at the development of Ukrainian-Chinese relations. One of them will be dedicated to the development of the agricultural sector, the other – the strengthening of cooperation between Ukraine and China in the framework of the “economic zone” Silk Road “. “China has become the first export market for Ukraine in 2015. Many Ukrainian goods already mastered the Chinese market. How to deliver the goods? How to deal with China? These issues will be treated within the agricultural panel. China is very consistent and systematic approach to the implementation of any of its initiatives. Under the initiative “economic zone” Silk Road “has created financial instruments. This – the Silk Road Fund and the Asian Bank for infrastructure investment. For Ukraine, this means availability of finance that can be used to implement joint projects. Practical advice on how to take advantage of financial opportunities and enhance capabilities to create new jobs will be on the second panel. Participation in it will ambassador and trade representative in China, as part of the business will be supported by the government “, – said Ruslan Osipenko, executive director of the China Trade Association. 13063255_697260467083578_895626752687599617_o         13029726_697260163750275_133018857333313363_o

“Joint seminars that we organize with CCI from 2015, which is 9 workshops in 7 regions of Ukraine have shown that our customers, small and medium-sized businesses need most export support, they lack the experience to shift to more sophisticated and demanding market EU. Exports of goods to Asia is an additional area that will allow our companies to conduct more active in foreign markets “, – said Yevgeny Borodin, head of Centre for SME UkrSibbank. In the second National Forum of export support previously will be attended by nearly 700 representatives of Ukrainian exporters, dozens of foreign importers, members of the Government of Ukraine and representatives of foreign governments, the representative delegations from China, Nigeria, the EU and CIS experts in the fields of foreign trade, investment , credit, banking, insurance companies and others.

Transnistrian IV Investment and Economic Forum

May 19-20, 2016 will be held in Tiraspol Transnistria IV Investment and Economic Forum.

Subject Forum:

“Pridnestrovie in a crisis: the survival of the policy to policy development.”

Organizers of the Forum: Trade and Industry Chamber of the PMR Ministry of Economic Development with the support of PMR PMR government.

The Forum is planned for the plenary session, which will analyze the state of the country’s economy, the causes of the crisis and anti-crisis measures taken.

The current topics will be discussed during the two days of discussion on the sites:

• Problems and prospects of development of foreign markets for exports of Transnistrian enterprises.
• The tax system is an important factor in stimulating the economy.
• Improving the business environment and support entrepreneurship – the key to investment and economic growth of the republic.
• Modernization of the technical regulation system as the basis for strengthening the competitiveness of the economy of Transnistria.
• Modern technologies to attract foreign and domestic investment in the economy of the republic. Public-private partnership – new opportunities for business development (PPP projects, technology parks).
• Monetary policy in Transdniestria under devaluation of world currencies, and the devaluation impact on the social stability and economic activity.

Forum Events also include:

• international scientific and practical conference “Investments and Economy: challenges and prospects for growth in the conditions of the TMR”;
• presentation of a public-private partnership projects and industrial parks;
• exhibition of products of areas;
• dialogue of representatives of the Russian-Transnistrian business community;
• meeting with the heads of the foreign participants of the Republic;
• final plenary session;
• Seen successful businesses and historical places.

As part of the dialogue between the representatives of the Russian-Transnistrian business community we will provide contacts and meetings with local manufacturers of products and investment candidates that will begin long-term and productive partnership.


• To participate in the Forum must be by May 1, fill in the online registration form on the website of CCI PMR.
• To participate in the Forum as a speaker you must pass before April 20, online registration on the CCI website and send it electronically to the text of the speech

More information about the Forum is available on the website:

You can also contact us by e-mail:, tel .: (+373 533) 05.07.03.

We hope for mutually beneficial cooperation with you.

Competitions of the Central European Initiative

Ministry of Culture informs about the competition applications for grants from the international organization “Central European Initiative” for young writers (35) of the countries that are members of the TEI, but non-EU countries (Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia and Ukraine).

Since 2006, the Central European Initiative grant TEI was presented in cooperation with the Association of Slovenian writers in the international literature festival Vilenitsa.

Deadline for applications for participation in the competition – 29 April 2016. The winner receives a scholarship of 5,000 euros to stay for three months in any Member State TEI.

For more information regarding the contest can be obtained from the link:

Award for capacity building through the transfer and exchange of know-how

Public and private institutions registered in the Member State CEI, as well as international and regional organizations are invited to contact the Fund CEI cooperation for innovative processes for mobility and networking. Proposals should focus on capacity building through the transfer and exchange of know-how, particularly from EU member states CEI Member States to non-EU CEI. Activities may take the form of conferences, seminars, workshops and training events.

Proposals must be in accordance with CEI Action Plan 2014-2016 and fully meet the criteria set out in the reception of applications.

Application deadline: Monday, May 23, 2016, 17:00 CEST (GMT + 2)

Potential CEI contribution: up to 15.000 EUR

Required deadline: 1 January to 31 December 2017.

Details of the link:

Award for outstanding achievements in investigative journalism (deadline May 31)

Central European Initiative (CEI) and the South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO), a special partnership with the Media Program South East Europe, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS), opened to accept applications in 2016 Prize CEI SEEMO for outstanding achievements in investigative journalism. The call is divided into two categories: “professional journalists” (4,000 euros) and “Young professional journalists” (1.000 euros).

The award aims to honor the work done by investigative journalists and their contribution to investigative journalism, despite the difficult conditions in which they are often forced to work. Since its creation in 2008, the CEI SEEMO Award contributed to the advancement of the quality of reporting on investigations in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe, providing recognition and visibility of excellent journalists from the region.

The call is open to citizens 18 CEI member states: Albania, Austria, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Ukraine.

The winners will be awarded during the South East Europe Media Forum (SEEMF), held in Belgrade on 21-22 November 2016.
Deadline for applications: Tuesday 31 May 2016 (23.59 CEST), more at:

International Agricultural Exhibition “AHROEKSPO 2016”

Kirovohrad Regional Chamber of Commerce informs that from September 29 to October 1, 2016 in the city. Kirovograd held International Agricultural Exhibition “AHROEKSPO 2016”.

We invite interested companies to participate in this landmark event.

Kirovograd RCCI organizes a collective stand where your company in the region will have the opportunity to present their products and services at the indoor pavilion.

Participation in a given application.

Hittner d.o.o. Looking for partners in Ukraine

Croatian company wants to establish contacts with Ukrainian partners for the sale of agricultural machinery.

Limited Liability Company “Phytosvit Ltd”

Products: wheat, soy, flax, mustard, beans, coriander, milk thistle, chamomile, calendula, sage, echinacea, peppermint, lemon balm, mallow, thyme.

PrAT “Autoelectric equipment”

На протязі вісьми років нашим основним напрямком діяльності є виробництво джгутів проводів, підзборок, перемичок кабелів, електропроводок, що застосовуються в електротехнічних виробах автомобільної промисловості, побутовій техніці та промислової електротехніки.

В даний час Завод Автоелектроапаратура є постачальником джгутів великих українських і російських компаній.
Високопродуктивне обладнання та кваліфікований персонал дозволяють підприємству виконувати найскладніші замовлення, в термін, з високою якістю і за прийнятною ціною.
Продукція, послуги: джгути проводів до автомобільних фар, колодки контактні, контакти, гумово-технічні вироби.

Offer one stop shop

A document prepared by the Office of Investment and Free Zones of Egypt (GAFI) on facilities and services provided by investors in Egypt through the one stop shop.

State-owned scientific and production association “Fort” MIA of Ukraine

The list of products and services:
– Small arms caliber 9 mm Makarov, 9 mm Luger, 9 mm kurz,
– Traumatic weapons P.A. caliber 9 mm, .45 Rubber,
– Grenade launchers cal 40×46 mm,
– Pump shotguns cal. 12/70,
– Special means – handcuffs, shields proof, rods
– Ammunition,
– Modernization of AK-74, AKM.

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