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Visegrad 4 Ukraine (Visegrad for Ukraine): Small and medium businesses
Mon, 11 April 2016, 16:11

Visegrad experience for the Ukrainian government and business

Exit B4 presentation in Ukraine

Date 12 April 2016

Place Hotel “France” Str. Cathedral 34, Vinnitsa

Organizer Ministry of Foreign Economy and Foreign Affairs of Hungary, in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

Partners Hungarian “Eximbank” Vinnytsia regional state administration, Vinnytsia city council, Vinnitsa Chamber of Commerce

English and Ukrainian languages ​​(with simultaneous translation)


AGENDA (Draft as at 31 March 2016)

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

9:30-10:00 Registration
10:00-10:40 Introductory speeches (5-5 minutes)
Istvan Mikołów, State Secretary of Security and International Cooperation,Ministry of Foreign Economy and Foreign Affairs of Hungary
Jaroslav Ludva, Associate Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic
Lucas Parizek, State Secretary, Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic
Deputy Foreign Minister of Poland
Deputy Foreign Minister of Ukraine and / or Deputy Minister of Economic Development
Valery Coroviy, Chairman of the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration
Anatoly Oliynyk, head of the Vinnytsia Regional Council
Sergey Morgunov, Vinnytsia Mayor
10:40-12:00        Panel I: The role of government in the development of SMEs, positive experiencein regulating and financing

(moderator: Oleg Ustenko, director of “Fund blazer”)

10:50-11:05 Hungarian business environment, the basic regulatory and financial conditions for small and medium businesses

(Istvan Lepsheni, State Secretary for Economic Development and Regulatory activities

Ministry of National Economy)

11:05-11:20 Development of Ukrainian SMEs – draft national strategy (Vladimir Semenihin,

Director, Department of Business Development and Regulatory Affairs, Ministry of Economy of Ukraine)

11:20-11:35 Daniel Pitonak, Head of Research of business environment, the Slovak Business Agency)
11:35-11:50 Marian Pieha, Dyrestor department for small and medium enterprises, the Ministry of Industry andTrade of the Czech Republic
11:50-12:20 Discussion, questions and answers
12:20-12:30 Coffee Break
12:30-13:40 Panel II: Conditions of success of SMEs, market-conformist support startups

(Moderator: Gennady Chizhikov, President of the Chamber of Commerce of Ukraine)

12:40-12:55 The role of the National Hungarian trading house in business development, the need for services for small and medium businesses

the mix of promotional strategies profitable and non-profitable export; innovative management management (Andrew Bukay,

project director of the CIS and Russia)

12:55-13:10 Startups in Poland (Dariusz Voytasek, Deputy Director, Department of Economic Promotion, Polish Agency for Development of Enterprises)
13:10-13:40 Discussion, questions and answers
13:45-14:55 Lunch buffet (hotel, restaurant hall near the conference hall)
15: 00-16: 40 Panel III: What can the Ukrainian small and medium business for its development?

The question of market access and tools business cooperation (Moderator: Vyacheslav Bykovets, head of section SMB

Chamber of Commerce of Ukraine)

15:10-15:25 Market access to the market and support the development of SMEs in terms of Brussels

(Boris Filipov Manager Sector Private Sector Development, Delegation of the EU)

15:25-15:40 The potential for joint tenders and objectives under Horizon 2020 (Fridesh Gauss, Hungarian National Agency for R & D & Innovation)
15:40-15:55 The role of industrial parks in small and medium businesses – Polish experience

(Krzysztof Sivek, Adviser to the Minister, Ministry of Poland)

15:55-16:10 Presentation Széchenyi Card (Széchenyi Card) (Lorintse Peter, a member of the company KAVOSZ)
16:10-16:40 Discussion, questions and answers
16:40-16:50 Concluding Remarks (Istvan Mikołów, State Secretary for Security and

International Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Economy and Foreign Affairs of Hungary)

16:50-17:30 A glass of wine, informal communication
17:30 Check





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