Vinnytsia Chamber of Commerce and Industry
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Home » Services » External Economic Activity » Issuance of ATA Carnets
Issuance of ATA Carnets

The ATA Сarnet is an international customs document used for temporary duty-free admission of the goods to the customs territory of the member state of the Istanbul Convention. Ukraine is a member of the Istanbul Convention since 2004. On March 1, 2008, Ukraine became a full member of the ATA International System. It took place after Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry joined the International Network of Guarantee Associations.

ATA acronym is combination of French (admission temporaire) and English (temporary admission) terms and is translated into Ukrainian as “temporary admission”.


Advantages of use of ATA Carnet

The document exempts conditionally from payment of duties, import levies and taxes for the time up to one year.

ATA carnet is a valid international guarantee of payment of duties, import levies, and taxes in case of violation of the temporary admission rules.
This customs document is accepted by customs authorities of the importing country instead of national customs documents.

No filling additional customs documents at customs border crossing checkpoints are required.

To provide temporary admission (transit) to (through) several member countries, ATO cargo may be cleared with the use of one ATA carnet.


Kinds of goods admitted with the use of ATA carnet:

  • industrial equipment and products;
  • photographic and filmographic equipment;
  • jewelry;
  • clothes;
  • medical equipment;
  • artistic articles and works of art;
  • animals;
  • archeological exhibits;
  • theatrical costumes and stage setting;
  • computers, etc.


Purposes and application fields of goods admitted with the use of ATA carnet:

  • use of professional equipment for the purpose of manufacture;
  • guest performances;
  • demonstration at exhibitions, fairs, shows;
  • sports competitions;
  • commercial samples;
  • the ATA carnets shall not be used for the goods intended for modification or repair.


The service is provided by the Customs Declaration Dept.
Phone: +38 (0432) 52-59-67
